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Cited by

  1. W.Y.C. Chen and J.C.Y. Zhang, Derangements and relative derangements of type B, Electron. J. Combin. 14 (2007) Note 24, 8 pp.

  2. R.J. Clarke, G.-N. Han and J. Zeng, A combinatorial interpretation of the Seidel generation of q-derangement numbers, Ann. Comb. 1 (1997) 313-327.

  3. H. Faliharimalala, Études combinatoires du tableau d'Euler sur les produits en couronne, Ph.D. Thesis, Université Claude Bernard-Lyon I, 2010.

  4. S.-M. Ma, H. Qi, J. Yeh and Y.-N. Yeh, On the joint distributions of succession and Eulerian statistics, arXiv:2401.01760.

  5. Y.D. Sun and Y.J. Xu, The largest singletons in weighted set partitions and its applications, Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 13 (2011) 75-86.

  6. J. Zhang, D. Gray, H. Wang and X.-D. Zhang, On the combinatorics of derangements and related permutations, Appl. Math. Comput. 431 (2022) 127341.