W.Y.C. Chen and J.J.Y. Zhao,
The Gaussian coefficients and overpartitions,
Discrete Math. 305(1-3) (2005) 350-353.

Cited by

  1. A.V. Sills, Rademacher-type formulas for restricted partition and overpartition functions, Ramanujan J. 23 (2010) 253-264.

  2. A.V. Sills, A Rademacher type formula for partitions and overpartitions, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. (2010) Art. ID 630458, 21pp.

  3. J.J.Y. Zhao, An involution proof of the Alladi-Gordon key identity for Schur's partition theorem, Electron. J. Combin. 20(1) (2013) Paper 63, 9 pp.