Equivalence Classes of Full-Dimensional 0/1-Polytopes with Many Vertices

William Y.C. Chen and Peter L. Guo

  Abstract:   Let Qn denote the n-dimensional hypercube with vertex set Vn = {0, 1}n. A 0/1-polytope of Qn is the convex hull of a subset of Vn. This paper is concerned with the enumeration of equivalence classes of full-dimensional 0/1-polytopes under the symmetries of the hypercube. With the aid of a computer program, Aichholzer obtained the number of equivalence classes of full-dimensional 0/1-polytopes of Q4 and Q5 with any given number of vertices and those of Q6 up to 12 vertices. Let Fn(k) denote the number of equivalence classes of full-dimensional 0/1-polytopes of Qn with k vertices. We present a method to compute Fn(k) for k > 2n-2. Let An(k) denote the number of equivalence classes of 0/1-polytopes of Qn with k vertices, and let Hn(k) denote the number of equivalence classes of 0/1-polytopes of Qn with k vertices that are not full-dimensional. So we have An(k) = Fn(k)+Hn(k). It is known that An(k) can be computed by using the cycle index of the hyperoctahedral group.We showthat for k > 2n-2, Hn(k) can be determined by the number of equivalence classes of 0/1-polytopes with k vertices that are contained in every hyperplane spanned by a subset of Vn. We also find a way to compute Hn(k) when k is close to 2n-2. For the case of Q6, we can compute F6(k) for k > 12. Together with the computation of Aichholzer, we reach a complete solution to the enumeration of equivalence classes of full-dimensional 0/1-polytopes of Q6.

 AMS Classification:  05A15, 52B05

 Keywords:  full-dimensional 0/1-polytope, symmetry, hyperplane, Pólya theory

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