W.Y.C. Chen and H.R.L. Yang
A context-free grammar for the Ramanujan-Shor polynomials,
Adv. in Appl. Math., 126 (2021) 101908.

Cited by

  1. X. Chen and A.D. Sokal, Total positivity of some polynomial matrices that enumerate labeled trees and forests, arXiv:2302.03999v1.

  2. T. Gilmore, Trees, forests, and total positivity: I. q-trees and q-forests matrices, arXiv:2106.00656.

  3. Z. Lin, J. Ma and P.B. Zhang, Plateaux on Generalized Stirling Permutations and Partial γ-Positivity, arXiv:2005.06689.

  4. Z. Lin, J. Ma and P.B. Zhang, Statistics on multipermutations and partial γ-positivity, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 183 (2021) 105488.

  5. S.-M. Ma, J. Ma and Y.-N. Yeh, Alternatingly increasing property and bi-gamma-positivity of polynomials, arXiv:1907.13082.

  6. A.A. Magableh, Context-free grammar aspect-oriented design modeling diagrams, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 97(22) (2019) 3377-3385.

  7. A. Sokal, Total positivity of some polynomial matrices that enumerate labeled trees and forests, arXiv:2105.05583v1.

  8. S. Thivaharan and G. Srivatsun, A Procedural Study on Morphological Analyzers for Tamil Language Using the Lexical-Surface Rule Based Correspondences, Int. J. Sci. Res. 11(08(A)) (2020) 39402-39407.